How to Make Your Defined and Undefined Centers Your Power Sources in Human Design

How to Make Your Defined and Undefined Centers Your Power Sources in Human Design

There are endless components to Human Design and everyone who comes into contact with it will probably have a different part that resonates with them or speaks to them the most. Next to practicing following my Strategy, and using my Not-Self and Signature as much as possible, the next element that I find so much power in and love teaching to others is the wisdom from our Defined and Undefined Energy Centers.

What are Energy Centers in Human Design?

Our Energy Centers are connected to the Chakra System, and there are 9 represented in our chart in Human Design. These include the Root, Solar Plexus, Sacral, Splenic, Ego / Heart, G, Throat, Ajna, and Head / Crown. Each one is correlated to different themes in our human experience, with the Gates in each Center connecting to the overarching theme in that Center. Here’s a brief description of each one:

Root Center: Houses the pressure to do things, is about the way we handle stress, motivation, and getting things started in this life.

Solar Plexus Center: Our emotional center. Where we encounter the fullness of the human emotional experience and can feel empathy for others and their emotions as well.

Sacral Center: The energy and creativity center. An energetic powerhouse that fuels people towards work and action and where our excitement and creation is birthed from.

Splenic Center: The fear and intuition center. Where quick, intuitive hits come through and what allows us to stay healthy and thriving. Also what picks up and identifies the “un-wellness” of the world around us.

Ego / Heart Center: Our drive for competition and worthiness. Where we either naturally prove ourselves from or can struggle trying to gain the approval from others by striving too hard on our own efforts.

G Center: Where our sense of identity, personality and self-love comes from. Themes around embracing and loving our unique selves, and the ability to love and appreciate our individuality and the wide spectrum of humanity that exists around us.

Throat Center: Themes of speech, explanation, sharing, and outward expression. The way we show up to the world through our voice.

Ajna Center: The center of understanding, inspiration, and interpretation. Where new and transformative ideas meant to change the world for the better come from.

Head / Crown Center: Our sense of logic, analysis, and problem solving comes from here. Where we can either have an open and untethered mind about things, or be a rational and logical sounding board of analytical thoughts for others.

What does it mean for them to be Defined vs. Undefined?

When you’re looking at your chart (if you haven’t ever pulled yours, you can grab it for free here), your Defined Centers are the shapes that are colored in (the colors themselves don’t mean anything). And the Undefined Centers are the white ones.

A Defined Center is a Center that is set or fixed in you. It’s an inherent part of your personality and design and something you can consistently rely on depending on what gifts/energies that Center brings with it.

An Undefined Center is a Center that is going to bring more openness and flexibility with it, with the ability to “try on” or borrow the energy or experiences of others in those areas.

How do you tap into the power of each Center?

Here’s how I recommend each person approach the wisdom of their Energy Centers:

When you see a Defined Center in your chart, learn the elements that come along with that Center, and see how you can apply this to your work and relationships and everyday life. Know that these traits will present more effortlessly for you, so allow yourself to double down on these traits, trusting that these are natural gifts you bring to the table with you, and won’t have to struggle or strive to force yourself into.

For example: With my Defined Throat Center, I can trust and relax into the idea that I’m here to outwardly express my thoughts and ideas and excitements often. This can be verbally or written or any other form of outward expression, but this is part of my Design and I’m someone who’s here to show up with my voice confidently and often.

With the Undefined Centers in your chart, be aware that these areas might need some special attention or boundaries around them. If you have an Undefined Root for example, notice when you feel yourself getting overwhelmed by stress or feeling the need to rush through something, and see if you can’t take a step back and take some deep breaths, or partner with people with Defined Roots to “borrow” some of their cool, calm, and collected motivation and power when it comes to handling stress and getting things moving. These are also areas that you bring awareness and the ability to mirror or empathize with those around you. You have a clearer window into the energetics, emotions, and health of those around you, and so when you can differentiate between what is yours or someone else’s, you can bring this wisdom to your relationships and work.

How to go deeper with this

If you get a Human Design Guide from me, you’ll have each of your Centers listed out with whether they’re defined or Undefined and what that means in either case. If we do a Reading, we’ll spend time talking about how to apply the traits of your Defined Centers to your daily life, and how to be aware of the shadow that can come with your Undefined Centers if there isn’t awareness in place there.

But there’s also so much you can learn on your own too! I’ve created multiple posts over on Hi*Def’s IG, and then I compiled everything in one handy guide for you that you can find here. I’d recommend grabbing your chart, going through each post, and teaching yourself what it means to have a Defined or Undefined Center in each place, and then appreciate the magic your unique design brings to the table.

Enjoy, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions you sparkly humans you.

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