Use Human Design To Find Your Most Aligned Career

Use Human Design To Find Your Most Aligned Career

A lot of people (myself included at times) go into personality type systems, quizzes, readings, etc., hoping they’ll be told exactly what line of work to go into, or what their specific career path is. Rarely is this ever the case unless you’re maybe working with an intuitive / psychic, but I do believe knowing how to read your Human Design gives you the incredibly insightful and helpful ability to piece together your own personal career puzzle to find the best path for you.

When I do my Human Design Readings with people, I walk through each element of their chart with the dual aim of explaining what that element means for them personally and then how to use that feature or category in their work or daily lives. For example: I personally use my Defined Centers to know which traits of mine I can consistently rely on and won’t have to effort as much to conjure up (like my Defined Sacral as an MG which gives me an energetic power source to pull from and offer to others as well when I’m lit up by my work or what I’m doing), and make note of my Undefined Centers as places I might need support or bolstering in from others who have them (i.e. partnering with a Defined Root when I’m needing an extra boost of motivation to get something moving in my life or work).

When a friend recently asked me which part of her Design she should be looking at to determine career clues for herself, I realized there is a treasure hunt of a path I could guide her through in her chart when it comes to finding direction and clarity in her work life. So if you’re feeling like you could use a peek into your unique gifts and are needing a little bit of insight into what work + career will be the most aligned and life-giving for you, keep reading for a guide on how to walk yourself through your chart and see how you can use each element as a clue in your treasure hunt to where your soul would most like to be in your work.

For starters, if you’ve never pulled your chart, start by heading here to enter in all your birth details so you can have it in front of you while you go through this post.

Ok now let’s get started.

Energy type / strategy

Legend has it that if all you did was follow the Strategy that comes attached to your Type, all the other elements of your Design would naturally present anyways. So I would argue this is the most important part to start with and “master” what it means for you to follow your Strategy.

Manifestors | Strategy: To Inform

Our Manifestors are here to initiate and set things into motion. They’re a rare Type that has the ability to generate ideas and direction out of thin air and are meant to move fearlessly in these directions, trusting the rest of us are meant to find and follow their lead for the things that resonate with us.

How to use this as a Manifestor: Pay attention to ideas that come to you out of nowhere. Write these down. Feel into the energy and power that comes with imagining yourself going after this with all you’ve got. Worry less about what people might think of it and more about what your next steps are to getting it done. Communicate your ideas and plans clearly to those around you to eliminate tension and start making moves in the direction of your divine inspiration.

Generators / Manifesting Generators | Strategy: To Respond

Our effervescent, energetic work force. We need you doing the work you absolutely love to do because this is not only how you thrive, but it’s how you contribute your best, contagious energy to those around you too.

How to use this as a Generator / MG: Pay attention to the things that excite you and pull you in. Trust that your excitement and joy are leading you to where you need to be, even if it defies logic, social norms, and familial or personal expectations. Let yourself say yes to the things you actually want to do and that cause you to bubble over with excitement and energy.

Projectors | Strategy: Wait For The Invitation

Our wise, insightful Projectors are here to show us how to approach life in more efficient and conscious ways. Improving our systems, environments, group dynamics, and more. Their gift is their wisdom and insight, and it benefits all of us to check in with our local Projectors and ask for their input + feedback on the direction we’re headed in.

How to use this as a Projector: Your only assignment is to acknowledge your natural area(s) of giftedness. Own the fact that you came into this life with unique and natural gifts that the rest of us need to heed and benefit from. Spend time honing these gifts and being vocal about them in confidence so the rest of us know how to find you and seek them out of you. When you are clear in sharing your gifts, you get to to relax into the fact that the people who are meant to find you are on their way and will invite these gifts out of you. You just get to sit back and wait for these invitations to roll in and then decide which ones feel right for you to agree with and offer your wisdom towards.

Reflectors | Strategy: Wait A Lunar Cycle

Our open, intuitive and energetically sensitive Reflectors are here to be the temperature-takers of their environments and this world and show us where things could be healthier and better. They can easily feel into situations and people to determine where things are off and where we can improve and show us a new way of living - one that is free and wild and doesn’t follow a conventional or expected path.

How to use this as a Reflector: Pay more attention to how a job or career path (even the idea of it) makes you feel rather than whether it checks the “right” boxes for you or not. Let go of the need to keep up with the world’s pace and be ok with doing things slowly and in your own way. Think about the things in life you wish you could change or offer your unique insight into and see if you can’t lean into those areas as places you’re meant to show up and show us a new way of living / working / being.

Energy type / not-self

Manifestors | Not-Self: Anger

The anger that is meant here is one of feeling caged-in and minimized or held back. Manifestors are meant to run free with their ideas and plans and so it’s important for them to look for jobs or roles or places in life where they can embrace that independence and freedom and be trusted to go after them with all they’ve got. Use this feeling of anger to determine the places in your life causing it and see if you can’t start to remove them and move towards autonomy and permission instead.

Generators / Manifesting Generators | Not-Self: Frustration

The feeling of frustrated energy in your body. When you’d rather be anywhere but there, or feel like you’re wasting your time on your current task. It’s the feeling of slow, not-flowing, “sticky” energy and it’s there to show you that that’s not the ideal way you should be spending your energy - sometimes forever, sometimes just in that moment. Use this feeling to give yourself permission to say ‘no’ to things you truly don’t want to do and remove tasks, plans, or potentially full jobs that constantly cause you to have the feeling of frustration. The goal is to find things that feel like a satisfying use of your energy and spend as much time as possible in that space.

Projectors | Not-Self: Bitterness

The feeling of not feeling heard or having your ideas or gifts be appreciated by others. A sign that you’re trying to win people over who just aren’t open to it for now. Seek people and places who enthusiastically invite your wisdom and strengths out of you and want to pay you money for it too. Spend less time convincing and more time in confidence of your gifts knowing the people who need them are looking for you right now.

Reflectors | Not-Self: Disappointment

The feeling of being let down by situations or people, of feeling stagnant in your environment, or being left out of spaces you’d like to be a part of. You are meant to fluidly flow through life and sample lots of different ways of being and find the things that make you feel good and excited and surprised by what life can offer you. So when you feel disappointment seeping in, see if you can’t change things up or look for something else to do or somewhere different to be. Find the things that feel like a warm hug for your soul and keep doing that.

defined centers

Your Energy Centers are the “shapes” that make up your body graph on your chart, and they’re connected to the Chakra Center and different themes and traits corresponding to each one. Each Center is either “Defined” or colored-in, or “Undefined” or white.

When a Center is defined, it means that it’s something set or inherent in you. You can consistently rely on these traits or gifts in your life and also offer them to others as you go.

How this helps you in your work: Use your defined centers as your “power house” tools. Write down the defined centers you have - you can use this post to see which one is which - and the traits related to each one. Here are a few examples of how knowing your defined centers translates to clues you can use in work or career:

Defined Root - Someone who is able to move things forward or motivate others. Good for positions of leadership, coaches, drivers of projects or initiatives. Someone who can handle high pressure and more tense situations. Roles that require self-starting and moving others forward will be easier for you.

Defined Solar Plexus - The deep feelers who are in touch with the full spectrum of human emotion and know how to harness the highs and lows to their benefit. Someone who can help teach others about the beauty and depth of life and provide emotionally intelligent support and care.
*Note that those with undefined Solar Plexus’ would be wonderful in roles that require empathy and emotional mirroring (like a therapist) as long as they have awareness around protecting their emotional health and setting good emotional and energetic boundaries for themselves so they don’t take on too much.

Defined Sacral - A strong energetic force for themselves and others. The fuel to keep things going and add more energy and excitement to a project or workplace. When attached to things they love to do, this superpower allows for greater productivity and sustained energy for others to borrow and benefit from. If you have a Defined Sacral, look for the things you love to do knowing this is how you’ll more easily move through your work and tasks and believe that you’re the biggest benefit to others when you’re at your best doing the things that excite you and light you up the most.

Defined Splenic - Strong intuitive sense and the ability to move quickly. Use this when leaning into directions or ideas that feel right for you, trusting they’re serving your best interest and those around you as well. In work you can lead with your gut instincts and offer ideas that feel given to you from “outside” yourself.

Defined Ego/Heart - Someone who naturally challenges themself to set goals and achieve them, who likes to almost be in competition with themself. It’s good for them to have control over their environments and accomplish tasks with a sense of confidence and self-assuredness. Someone who shocks others out of their complacency and drives them to be better as well.

Defined G Center - Powerful sense of self and creative self-expression. It will feel easy for you to be someone who marches to the beat of their own drum and knows exactly who they are. You get to show others what it’s like to live as an individual and be true to their creative desires. Choose jobs that let you share your own unique flair and way of going about things.

Defined Throat Center - A natural born sharer, teacher, writer, storyteller etc. Someone who is here to bring ideas and lessons into existence for the rest of us. Check which gates are defined here for clues on exactly how you’re meant to show up and share in an outward way.

Defined Ajna Center - The thought processors and providers of inspiration and insight. Those who can draw from divine intel and bring greater consciousness and understanding to some of life’s deepest questions. People who enjoy challenging the status quo and can bring real change and forward movement to the way we’re headed as a society.

Defined Head Center - The logical and methodical processors of information. People who can provide systematic and logical plans for things and who enjoy having a more calculated way of taking in and sharing information and knowledge for themselves and those around them.

gates and channels

This is the part of your Design where you get to find even more clues into the specific gifts you get to tap into in your work and the ways in which your talent might most naturally and ease-fully flow out of you. Some of these gifts / traits might just be helpful info for you to know about yourself, others might give you some really specific ideas for how that gate would translate into your career / work life. Here are a few examples to show you how to use them:

Gate 58 (Root) - The Pressure to Perfect. You might be someone who’s role is to help find ways to add more beauty, joy, or ease into a system or way of life that already exists. Someone who rallies others into joining you in improving and perfecting our current ways of life.
Gate 36 (Solar Plexus) - Solving Emotional Issues.
You might be someone who works in a counseling type role with others. Someone who uses their life and work to help others make emotionally healthy decisions and act as a guide or teacher to others, pulling from their own life experience and wisdom.
Gate 27 (Sacral) - A Natural Ability to Nurture and Care. You might be someone who goes into a field of caretaking, either for children or the sick or the elderly. This could present in your role in the family, or in a role in work.
Gate 18 (Splenic) - Fear of Authority. Someone who challenges the way things have always been done and seeks out new, more conscious, more life-giving ways of going about it.
Gate 26 (Heart) - Knowing the Right Way to Say Things. Someone who has the gift of sales and influence and knows how to share things in a way that will reach the people who need to hear it.
Gate 7 (G) - Army Leader. You are someone who would be good at leading a team and bringing together the right resources to accomplish what needs to get done.
Gate 23 (Throat) - Ability to Explain Ideas in a Simple and Cool-Headed Way. A teacher gate. Someone who is good at teaching concepts to others in a way that helps them grasp and understand it and then have it be useful in their life.
Gate 4 (Ajna) - Love of Logic, Fear of Chaos. Someone who can pull clarity, logic, order, and direction out of a seemingly chaotic, confusing, or stressful situation. People who can create order and plans within companies or movements.
Gate 63 (Head) - Having Doubts and Needing an Answer. Someone whose job or mission it is to seek out problems and figure out how we could be solving or improving them. Being the person to ask questions and having the fortitude and drive to get to the bottom of what’s not working so that eventually something can.

The Channels provide continued clues and help solidify certain themes in your chart, providing further affirmation on your natural areas of giftedness and how they might play out in your life when it comes to work and pursing your purpose. This obviously incudes your Cross of Incarnation as well.


Lastly, use your Arrows to gather some details on how to best set up your work schedule, routines, and styles. Learn how you best work, set goals, and take in information so you can give yourself permission to do more of that, and less of the things you may have seen modeled elsewhere that just don’t apply to you.

I hope this gives you some better insight into how you’d go about practically using the elements of your Human Design when it comes to applying it to your work, career, and daily life. Having this knowledge alongside the full guide to your Human Design would be such a valuable resource if you’re needing clarity and direction or even just affirmation in your life as it relates to the work that would be most aligned to who you are.

And if you’re a business owner or even a member of a team who sees the value in bringing this kind of knowledge and insight to your workplace and employees, reach out to me directly to learn more about booking a Human Design workshop or a Team Alignment Experience to elevate and deepen the impact of your work and everyone on your team.

And don’t forget it’s completely within your control and ability to create a life you love to live in ✨

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