What is Human Design?

Human Design is the science of the energetic body and a guide on how we’re meant to exchange our energy with the world around us. It shows us how we’re uniquely wired to make decisions, and the inherent gifts we came into this life with that serve to accomplish our purpose in the world. 

Your soul is always clear on what it wants, but sometimes it takes a little bit of work to bring the inner desires of your soul into the physical plane of your life. We do this by getting rid of the clutter that’s not meant for you, and making space for everything you desire to enter in. This is the process of de-conditioning, and Human Design helps point you in the direction of how to uncover the unique energetic aura and purpose that is already yours. 

Practice living into your Design and following your Authority and see if your soul “remembers” who it came here to be, and what it came here to do.

Find your design by entering your exact birth time and location here.


Then scroll down to learn more about your Type and Authority to get started on understanding what your Design means for you.


Design Types

Your Type is your unique way of processing and exchanging energy with the world around you. It’s how you approach work and relationships and it includes a specific strategy for how to best receive the opportunities that are meant for you.



You are here to initiate in this world, light fires in others, and to be a leader, literally and/or energetically. It’s ok if not everyone is on board with your ideas, what matters is that you’re making space for direction to come in, taking action when it does, and informing those around you of your plans. Listen for urges and direction that seem to come out of nowhere, trust they’re there for a reason, and have the courage to pursue them, knowing you’re helping to initiate the courage in others to follow after what lights them up too.

Strategy: To Inform.

When you get an urge or nudge to do something, it’s important for you to explain to those around you how and why you’re taking action. The act of informing is what removes resistance from your path and helps to put others at ease energetically.



You’re a creator of energy for others, the juicy life force needed for the planet to thrive, which can only happen when you allow yourself to thrive! Which means doing the things you love and trusting your inner desires. By paying attention to the things that light you up, you can learn which things you’re meant to chase after, and which things should be removed from your life. Your goal should be to do all the things that make your unique self happy, because when you nurture that good energy, that is how you create more for others and benefit the Collective in the best way possible.

Strategy: To Respond.

You don’t have to look for things in the world that light you up. The Universe will send you signs and your job is just to respond. This just means paying attention to what lights you up. What things grab your attention and make you want to know more? If the excitement isn’t there, don’t follow it. Your head will be full of “shoulds” and expectations, but listen to what your gut is telling you to do. You discover what you’re meant to be doing by taking action after responding and seeing how you feel from each action.


Manifesting Generator

You’re here to follow everything that lights you up, even if it leads you into multiple, non-linear directions. Being diverse and multi-passionate is your super power and how you’ll find success! When you’re excited by the things you’re doing, your natural, sparkly energy will effortlessly spill onto the people around you. Release the conditioning that your life should follow a traditional timeline and know that when you’re following your gut decisions and chasing after each thing that brings you joy for as long or as little as it does, you show others what’s possible for their life too. 

Strategy: To Respond.

You don’t have to look for things in the world that light you up. The Universe will send you signs and your job is just to respond. This just means paying attention to what lights you up. What things grab your attention and make you want to know more? If the excitement isn’t there, don’t follow it. Your head will be full of “shoulds” and expectations, but listen to what your gut is telling you to do. You discover what you’re meant to be doing by taking action after responding and seeing how you feel from each action.



You’re here to show us how to do, create, shift, and BE better as individuals and as a collective. Your natural gifts and inclinations are your gift to us, and these passions/hobbies/interests that have always come easily to you should be nurtured and shared once you’ve recognized yourself as having these abilities, and as others begin to notice your gifting in these areas as well. You are not here to add to the energy of the Earth, but rather to tweak, transmute, move and improve what’s already existing. You are here to see things in a way unlike everyone else. You gravitate towards systems, efficiency, processes, and knowing more about the way things work, and these natural desires will be what allows you to serve as a guide for others.

Strategy: Wait for the Invitation.

Before you can proceed with improving things for individuals or the Collective, you need to be recognized for your gifts and wait for people to ask for your wisdom. This doesn’t always have to look like a literal invitation, this can happen energetically as well. Meaning that it is safe for you to share this wisdom with the people who see you clearly and already recognize you for your gifts and contributions. In order for you to begin receiving these invitations, it is imperative that first you work on recognizing yourself for the gifts and wisdom you have to offer. The way you do this is by doing things to curate your energy, live your design, and figure out what it is you’re here to share.



Reflectors are the most rare energy type, only making up around 1% of the population. You’re here to reflect back to society how we’re doing on a soul-health level. Your openness and capacity for empathy and understanding is your gift, and you can be anything you want to be in this life! You’re the most open (undefined) beings, causing you to be the most sensitive to the people and environments around you. It’s important to take note of which environments feel good (or bad) for you to be in, and allow yourself to return to your “blank slate” at the end of every day. Practice being present and creating good, health-ful environments for yourself so you can be surprised and delighted by life.

Strategy: Wait a lunar cycle.

Allow yourself to complete the “cycle” of life you’re currently in, which are ruled by the lunar cycles, before making bigger decisions, or switching to a new theme in your life.



Your Authority indicates the best way to make decisions for your life - particularly larger and more important ones - and is based off which centers are defined in your chart. Leaning into your Authority will help you add more ease, abundance, and joy as you begin to trust that it’s leading you to exactly where you need to go!


Emotional / Solar Plexus Authority

Since you carry a broader spectrum of emotional waves within you, it is best to wait 24 hours, or until you’re in a neutral state, before making big decisions. Don’t make decisions from emotional highs or lows, because your feelings may change. Wait out the emotional wave and decide from a place of being cool, calm, and collected. This doesn’t mean you can’t make gut decisions from your Sacral Center, you should listen to that when deciding what lights you up or not, but engage your Emotional Authority for the bigger decisions in your life for added clarity and confirmation.


Sacral Authority

This is an in-the-moment direction towards what does or doesn’t feel exciting for you. If you feel excited about something, go for it. If you don’t, don’t. It really is that simple. Typically you’ll even notice yourself verbally saying “ah-huh” (yes) or “uhn-un” (no) to a question, and you should follow those prompts from your body. You do best when given binary options - yes or no, this or that - so have the people you love frame questions like that to you when possible and let your body do the choosing from there.


Splenic Authority

This is an in-the-moment direction from your body that typically only appears once and then is gone, so it’s incredibly important to practice presence so you can listen for the direction coming in. You’re constantly receiving physiological cues from your body, and so it’s your job to be present and pay attention to these and act on them as they come through, trusting they’re there to keep you safe and point you in the right direction. Don’t let your mind, or the emotions, wants, needs, and pressures of others take over, and trust your body instead.


Ego / Heart-Centered Authority

For Ego Manifested Authority (Manifestors with this Authority): It’s very important to listen to what you’re saying when verbalizing your thoughts and wants, without worrying about controlling what’s coming out. Verbalize in the moment to process decisions, and trust your voice in the process.

For Ego Projected Authority (Projectors with this Authority): Allow yourself to be selfish when making decisions and ask “what do I want?” and “what feels most ‘me’?” or “what decision allows me to most stay in my power?” You will either have the heart (energy) to do something, or you won’t, and it’s so important to pay attention to that energy.


G Center / Self-Projected Authority

This Authority is connected to your voice. Verbal processing is important for you to make decisions, and clarity comes from sharing your thoughts with others. No one needs to offer advice or thoughts in return, but just sharing your thoughts and ideas in the “direction” of someone else will be very beneficial for you.


Mental / Environment Authority

It’s important for you to spend time observing, and to know that you have the ability to make logical, rational decisions from using your thoughts. You do this by mining for clues and checking to see if the environment feels correct rather than feeling or intuiting, and by leaving all “shoulds” behind.


Lunar / No Inner Authority

This is the Authority for Reflectors. You’re ruled by the lunar cycle, or 28 day periods, which means you need longer stretches of time to make big decisions. Allow the “story” of the cycle you’re in to play out before making a decision on what to do next.  It’s not always about waiting a full 28 days to receive an answer, but more so about observing where you’re at in the midst of each cycle, and waiting for that one to end before receiving clarity in your decision-making process, as you enjoy being surprised and delighted by life. It’s important for you to give yourself permission to slow down and not let the world rush you.


Want to go deeper?

While your Type and Authority are the most valuable aspects of your Design for you to master, each chart will hold many different layers of information.

These layers allow us to learn about where you are inherently gifted, where you should rely on the giftedness of others, where you’re open to conditioning, what your strategy is, and your unique roadmap for carrying out your purpose in the world.

To dive further into your specific chart, order your personalized Design Guide now or book a one-on-one reading below!